Please check the following two points if you aren't seeing the effects of the SP increase.
1. Check if the bonus gift from the Customization Support Pack is reflected.
If the remaining days are displayed, the 5x SP obtained effect is being applied.
You can check the remaining days for the 5x SP effect using the following method.
■ How to check the remaining days for the 5x SP effect
Shop > Upgrade Castle > Change Design
Note: It will display in the upper-left corner of the screen.
Be aware that the 5x (and 2x) SP effect from Customization Support Packs is not reflected on the Double EXP & SP display message in the lower left area of the battle screen.
2. Check how SP obtained is calculated when foes are defeated.
There are times when SP increases due to effects other than the bonus gift from Customization Support Packs. Please check the below article to see how SP obtained is calculated:
How is the amount of SP obtained after defeating a foe calculated?
If the above does not resolve your issue, please contact Customer Support via the Inquiries form at the bottom of the page and include the following information:
・ Name of product purchased
・ SP obtained
・ The map, stage, or chapter in which you confirmed the issue
・ The name of the Hero(es) you were using