In the Arena, calculations are made for each season based on your high score for a season, your rank, and any successful defensive efforts.
• High score and rank
If your score after a battle is the highest score you've received that season, it will replace your high score displayed on the top of the Arena screen.
Ranks are determined based on the high scores of players around the world.
• Chain bonus
If you win a battle in the Arena, your score will be calculated depending on how many wins you've won in a row, for a maximum of five chained victories.
Your score will reset after losing a battle or reaching five chained victories.
• Defense
You can receive a reward based on your defense score, but it does not affect your rank.
• Bonus characters
If you include one of the bonus characters for a season in your team, you will receive double the score.
Your score will not receive an additional increase for adding additional bonus characters.
Any bonus character on your team will receive a stat boost of HP+10, Atk+4, Spd+4, Def+4, and Res+4.
You will be matched with opponents based on your stats before receiving the stat boost.
Bonus characters on your opponent's team will not receive the stat boost during battle.