You can cancel automatic renewal by following the steps below. If your subscription period ends and you have canceled automatic renewal, then you will no longer be able to use the Feh Pass service.
・ If you do not cancel automatic renewal, your Feh Pass subscription will be automatically renewed. If you wish to cancel automatic renewal, please do so 24 or more hours before your subscription period is scheduled to end.
・ If you cancel before the subscription period ends, you will not be refunded for the remainder.
・ After canceling automatic renewal, you can continue to use the Feh Pass service until the subscription period ends.
・ Automatic renewal will be canceled if the renewal fee cannot be paid (credit card is out of date, insufficient funds, etc.).
■ To cancel automatic renewal:
1. Open up the App Store.
2. Tap the round icon in the upper right.
3. Tap Subscriptions or Manage Subscriptions.
4. Tap Fire Emblem Heroes.
5. Tap Cancel Subscription.
Note: As option names and other wording may vary depending on your OS version, please contact the App Store for the latest information.